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  • Naira Fahmy

Alexandria government-residents conflict ongoing: Nady Al-Sayd protestors, Governor to "Trendify"

A wave of anger started in Alexandria governorate after the special committee for confining house started preparation procedures to move the residents of "Nady Al-Sayd" or Shooting Club move from their area to another residential place.

Some residents of the area went out in a demonstration to protest against what they called "the scheme to displace them" from the area, demanding to stop the inventory work before building new homes for them in the same area.

Alexandria Governor: the area has weak infrastructure and its houses are old, so they are liable to fall at any time so this was only the government’s plan to help

“The reason for starting this project is that the people of the area have been suffering every winter for years from water leakage and floods resulting from rain, the area has weak infrastructure and its houses are old, so they are liable to fall at any time so this was the government’s plan to help and what is happening now is unexpected” said General and Governor of Alexandria Mohamed Al-Sherif.

“Of course no citizen will be displaced from his home unless he is to be moved to a better place. Bashayer Al-Khair is about 2 or 3 km away from Nady Al-sayd , and it is supported by gas, water and electricity.” Al-sharif added.

Residential Consultant: The houses in Nady Al-sayd are not suitable for humans, there are large numbers of citizens who are crowded into small houses

“There will be no single slum areas after this year, according to President Sisi’s decision since 2014, when he announced his dissatisfaction with the residence of some citizens in inhuman slum areas. The houses in Nady Al-sayd are not suitable for humans, there are large numbers of citizens who are crowded into small houses and it is simply not inhumane to live this way” said Mohamed Mamdouh, residential consultant.

Residents of Nady Al-sayd are calling this “the scheme to displace them” and they are refusing to move out of their houses, not because they are afraid to start somewhere else but because the government is not giving them enough information about their new residential place.

“Housing units are being established in Nady Al-sayd area, but the government is not very clear with the citizens, as they are not informed of the whole plan and they do not know what the future of their old houses is or even give them enough information about where they are going to stay. We cannot ask people to move without giving them direction to move to” said Residential Consultant Nafisa Hesham.

Nady Al-sayd resident: it is a crowded area, we live in danger most of the winter but at least we live with dignity

“Yes it is a crowded area, we live in danger most of the winter but at least we live with dignity, we own our houses and we know our place in the area, I am not ready to move out to a new place and start all over and pay 250 pound each month, the new residential at bashayer Al khier is not suitable for us because we're simple people, we do not have the time or the money to search for new schools for children or new jobs, I have my own shop here, when i go there, to bashayer al khier, who am i going to be?” said Ali Ahmed Al-Eslambolly, one of the residents of Nady Al Sayd and a barbershop owner.

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