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  • Loubna Moussa

Diet Trends Debunked, possible dangers

Every year, a new diet emerges and is the talk of the town when it comes to losing weight. However, experts and medical practitioners do not believe in restrictive diets as they have several negative side effects, therefore they suggest following healthier alternatives that are determined according to specific aspects. With this in mind, we need to understand these diets to completely acknowledge their effect and determine what is suitable and what would do more harm than good.

Dr. Magdy Nazeih, president of the scientific foundation for food culture, said “as nutritionists, we aim to provide the body with the right amount of the nutrients it requires.” A healthy diet is constructed according to the person’s age, weight, gender, height, daily activity rate, physiological condition, their medical condition as well as their parents’ medical condition. The right diet, according to these aspects and the required goal, is then designed to benefit the body in the right way to avoid any harm.

We cannot follow any random diet and expect perfect results, we must always consider the person’s conditions first. Scientific recommendations suggest that the standard healthy diet’s total caloric count should consist of 65% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and 20% fats. The diets that emerge and trend yearly do not follow these standards, and we, as nutritionists, do not recommend them at all, said Dr. Nazeih.

Calorie Deficit

According to Dr. Eriny Ayoub, clinical nutritionist and metabolism specialist, if someone follows this diet without direct supervision from a medical specialist, it may lead to a couple of negative side effects such as a decrease in the metabolic rate, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, constipation or diarrhea and difficulty in maintaining weight.

Decreasing your caloric intake drastically for long periods without medical supervision, your body starts storing any calories you consume instead of burning off any excess weight, as well as burning off muscle mass which in turn results in more fat formation and a decrease in muscle which is responsible for strengthening the person’s metabolic rate.

However, if someone does not suffer from any health issues, it is considered safe for them to try this diet, said health coach and nutritionist, Amr Wahba. He concluded that this diet mainly consists of consuming less calories than the body requires, in order to lose weight, by forcing the body to burn off body fat as an alternative source of energy.

Ketogenic Diet

Dr. Ayoub added that carb intake on the keto diet is typically limited to fewer than 50 grams per day, which can come as a shock to your body. Adjusting to using ketones and fats as a primary energy source, you may experience flu-like symptoms at the beginning of the keto diet, which sometimes leads to people needing hospital admissions.

You may also experience digestive problems caused by gut bacteria produced from the change in diet. Some of the richest sources of fiber, such as high carb fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and beans, are eliminated on the diet because they provide too many carbs.

Even though low carb diets have been shown to improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes, they may also increase your risk of low blood sugar events — especially if you have type 1 diabetes.

Know the suitable diet

All doctors recommend to either consult a doctor or follow a balanced healthy diet that consists of your body’s required caloric intake, determined according to the person’s age, weight, height, gender and metabolic rate. You should cut off any form of white flour and processed sugars such as sodas and desserts. You should also try to exercise daily for at least 20 minutes, and maintain a stable water intake daily.

To follow a prescription diet, you should first consult your doctor, determine your medical history and your body’s caloric requirements, then the diet is built according to these aspects.

What could you do without requiring a doctor’s consultancy

Coach and Nutritionist Amr Wahba recommended searching for a calorie calculator on Google, and inserting their info to calculate how many calories per day they need to maintain stable weight. However, he confirmed the importance of consulting a professional to avoid potential mistakes that may occur with someone who is going on this journey on their own.

Physical Fitness and Exercise

Coach Amr added that to determine which fitness routine to follow, it depends on many aspects as well including the person’s activity rate, the strength of specific body parts in training such as shoulder muscles, which will require specific training. It also depends on the person’s goal, whether they wish to lose or gain weight, adjust their posture or even increase their physical endurance. We cannot generalize a certain fitness plan for everyone, each person has their own needs and goals on which we design the plan.

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