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  • Naira Fahmy

First café for animals: Event to let pets socialize and boost their confidence

For the first time in Egypt, the veterinary hospital in 6th of October city announced a new weekly tradition where everyone could bring their pets to the hospital's café . It will be held every Friday and there will be different types of menus for the animals with a variety of food and other menus for the owners.

According to Basma Waheed, veterinary doctor, member of the Egyptian Society for animals’ mercy and one of the event organizers, the event came as a new idea in attempt to help animals socialize with each other and boost their confidence.

In front of the 2-floor hospital, which is provided with medical and ultrasound rooms, there is a café where the pet gathering would take place weekly. “We have all animal-related services, and the café itself is dedicated to please the owners and the animals, so we made a special menu for the animals''

“The event isn’t just for entertaining the pets but also for entertaining the owners and other people who are interested in joining”, according to Waheed. The hospital would present an entertainment weekly show that might present animal talent, games or be a musical show.

Waheed added to “Trendify” that it wouldn’t matter what kind of animal was brought to the weekly event, a cat, dog or even a turtle. “Our criteria are clear. The animal should be harmless and brought by its real owner”.

“It was a huge success”, Waheed confirmed after the first pet gathering last Friday. The energy was unpredictable, the animals had fun and their owners did too. Even the hospital’s staff had a great time.

The first event managed to achieve its goals of promoting a socialization environment between the accompanied animals, improving the confidence and giving owners a chance to exchange experiences in order to develop their ways in dealing with their pets, Waheed added.

Amina Abaza, president of the Animal Care Association in Egypt, said that animal socialization would be having a dog, cat or any type of animal in a climate where they could interact with other people, animals, in order to feel comfortable with the environment in which they live.

Abaza added to “Trendify” that animal socialization would help in minimizing discipline or training. “Owners should not try to reinforce commands or proper behaviors because that takes the pet's attention away from the new experiences”.

Abaza also assured that animals who were able to socialize early within their socialization developmental period had shown less fear, aggression, and anxiety of new people, animals, or situations. Meanwhile, Pets that didn’t have chances to socialize properly showed an increased sensitivity to new experiences and fear of people or other animals, even within their own species, that resulted in anxious behaviors or violence.

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