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  • Loubna Moussa

Guilt and intention to deceive.. How body language experts analyzed Haneen Hossam’s video?

Haneen Hossam and Mawada El Adham topped the social media trend following their sentence to imprisonment on the background of promoting the use of a suspicious application through which they threatened the safety of many girls and exploited their financial need by inviting them to online prostitution.

Right after her sentence to 10 years in prison, Haneen Hossam, published a video where she was crying, asking for help in appeals to the Egyptian people and president where she was trying to defend herself. The video that was subject to social media users’ debate in between belief and disbelief, included an apparent use of body language that “Trendify” sought body language experts and psychiatrists to analyze.

According to the body language expert, Mohamed Hassan, Hanin’s tears in the video she shared were fake ones which could be determined through the forehead where no wrinkles existed to illustrate that she was genuinely crying despite the presence of tears in her eyes.

Hassan: Haneen’s emotional tone was intentional

“Her insistence to use an emotional tone while speaking wasn't spontaneous but looked intentional in order to affect the public opinion”, Hassan added. However, when she talked about the months she spent in prison, she closed her eyes involuntarily which reflected how genuine was the suffering she experienced within this period of time.

Hassan: Haneen’s facial expressions and body movements reflected lying and intention to deceive on her application arguments

Hassan added to “Trendify” that when Haneen made arguments about the application she promoted, her body language wasn’t in her favor, reflected lying and an attempt to deceive since she was not focused, her eyes were moving distractedly and she was looking at paper sheets from which she was reading. “She looked at the floor many times which reflected regret and guilt”.

Hassan: When Haneen mentioned the president she moved her hand in rejection to the sentence and her face in shame

Haneen mentioned the President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi twice in her video, in the first she was moving her hand in a way that could be translated as rejection to the sentence, Hassan added. However, in the two times she was looking towards the floor in a revealing scene of how shameful she would be feeling if the president was watching her. “This reflected Haneen’s inner recognition of committing a wrong thing unlike how she was defending herself.

The absence of direct eye contact with the camera reflected lack of confidence in the information provided, Hassan added. “When Haneen mentioned the suspicious app she moved her left hand a lot, which didn’t reflect any genuine or spontaneity given that she is used to dealing with the camera for making videos”.

Hassan: Someone told Haneen to say statements that she doesn’t understand

Hassan said that the excessive use of eyebrows in Haneen’s speech represented clear evidence of lying. Her body movements in saying certain statements like “With whom in the country do I have a revenge” and the way she repeated it revealed lack of understanding of the meaning and that someone told her to say so.

“Haneen was squeezing her eyes many times in an attempt for tears to fall from her eyes in a clear indication of ingenuity”, Hassan added in a description of how the late tiktok blogger was moving her face when she said “10 years would destroy a whole family”.

Ferweiz: Haneen was trying to victimize and tell anything else other than the truth

Dr. Gamal Ferweiz, psychiatry consultant, said that Haneen's video was clear in every single aspect of body language revealing how she tried to victimize and tell anything else other than the truth.

“Her excessive hand movement is a justificatory deed that reveals lying” Ferweiz added, in analysis of the increased use of body parts to claim a reaction with the event that went the wrong way and revealed the truth against the attempts to hide it.

Some of her tears were a normal reaction to the incident. However, at some points she tried to over react and bring about more intense reactions in order to appeal to people and bring about their sympathy, according to Ferweiz.

Ferweiz: Psychologically, it is normal for anyone in Haneen’s shoes to cry that

Ferweiz added to “Trendify” that from a psychological perspective, it would be judged as normal for anyone in Haneen’s shoes to cry and try to convey this feeling since she had been to prosecution many times. However, many of the reactions in the video weren’t what she genuinely felt.

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