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Maadi 250 st. trees not to be taken down for Gazayer Axis

Omnya Khaled

After the issue took great interest and many were against the decision to the point it started a trending hashtag on Facebook and Twitter, the Ministry of Transportation issued a statement on Friday addressing the propagated topic of building the Gazayer Axis in one of Maadi’s most green streets, 250 st., where supposedly all “Mashatel” (Plantations) and trees would be taken down and the street would be turned into 6 concrete lanes.

The statement confirmed that regarding the Maadi area (from Al-Nady Al-Jadid st. to Torrah Bridge) there are no plans to remove any plantations or trees.

The statement said that the Gazayer Axis aims to eliminate traffic congestions in the Abbaseyah/Torrah area and the Rail-Road area which negatively affects citizen life.

The statement added that the Axis is still under study and no actual elimination process has taken place and once all needed planning is done, all will be announced on media platforms and on the government’s official website.

In addition, the part that will be eliminated is any trespassing on the rail-road system from the Abbaseya area to the intersection between Al-Hadarat Bridge and the Autostrad, as well as from Tebin area to Helwan, with the implementation of the new axis from Al-Hadarat Axis to Al-Nady Al-Jadid Street in Maadi.

The statement urged citizens to rely on official and credible sources in propagating news to avoid the spread of false and inaccurate information.


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