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The whole story of Al Da7ee7’s recent trending issue and the truth behind it

Sarah Francis

As the speculations about the source of fund of the youtube channel, hosting Al-Da7ee7 relaunch made its way to the top of social media trends and news coverage, it was important for “Trendify” to carry out its mission in covering the ongoing trend. However, after seeking communication with New Media Academy and different specialized sources, no information received confirmed or denied the correctness of the circulating information. Therefore, we had to wait to verify.

Ahmed El Ghandour, the host of Al-Da7ee7, posted through the program’s official page a clarification of the situation in which he mentioned his support to the Palestinian issue and verification of the nature of collaborations between his new YouTube hosting channel and other anti-Palestine directions.

“The platform on which Al Da7ee7 relaunched in YouTube is scientific and has no ongoing relation with Nas daily”, the program’s page mentioned. Despite the fact that there was an ongoing collaboration between both platforms, this relation was terminated a year ago.

Al Da7ee7: My content will always be scientific and free from any affiliations

Al Da7ee7 declared appreciation to the fear and caution of people that pushed him towards confirming his content’s main concepts. “The nature of Al Da7ee7’s content will never change or become a source of propaganda to any direction”

Al Da7ee7 added “my content will always be scientific and free from any affiliations”.

New Media Academy: The contract tern with Nas Academy ended the last year

In parallel to Al Da7ee7’s response, News Media Academy published a statement through their official social media platform, in which they declared the academy’s goals to specialize in enriching the Arab content on the internet on both scientific and technical bases.

The Academy went on explaining their area of expertise and how they perform their role through which they managed to train 35 thousand people in 46 countries all over the world within only one year.

“Shortly after its launch the last year, the academy collaborated with Nas daily that is based in Singapore for a few months. The contract term ended last year and there is no ongoing relation between both platforms at present”, according to the statement the Academy posted on Facebook.

The Academy also mentioned the reason why they decided to run Al Da7ee7 on their platforms in the light of their goal to reinforce the Arabic scientific content and enhance the interest of Arab youth in Science.

Nas Academy website: unidentified past or ongoing collaboration

On the other hand, by checking the official website of Nas Academy, News Media Academy is featured under “We’ve worked with” at the end of the homepage that may indicate a past collaboration while in other pages News Media academy is featured in “Companies we work with section”.


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