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  • Samaa Ismail

Virus expert reveals causes of infection with Black Fungus, symptoms, reasons for spread

A state of panic, anxiety and fear spread on social media after the emergence and death of cases infected with the black fungus (Mucromycosis) in India and fear of it spreading in Egypt. However, the Ministry of Health denied what was circulated on social media the last few days. But what is the black fungus?

According to virologist, Dr Nahla Abdelwahab, the black fungus (Mucromycosis) is a type of fungus that is found in nature, on fruits and on food. And it begins to form in the human body when the immunity is weak, on AIDS patients and people who take large doses of cortisone. And the places prone to infection are at the body’s niches and eyes, and sometimes it appears in the form of pimples or small pimples.

Dr. Abdelwahab, Immunologist and bacteria consultant mentioned that so far there are no cases in Egypt, but it appeared in India due to the lack of hospitals. And the replacement of masks from one person to another, and that leads to the formation of the black fungus.

Dr. Abdelwahab clarified that when the black fungus is diagnosed early, it is treated with a course of treatment, and if cases are delayed, the affected part is removed by surgeries, and if the eye is severely injured, the eyes are removed before it reaches the brain and causes death.

The immunologist emphasized not to dismiss the use of antibiotics and cortisone without consulting a doctor, and she strongly warns them against the protocols circulating on the social media for the treatment of the Coronavirus because each patient has their own diagnosis and every patient is different from the other. It is not a condition which everyone who gets infected with Corona gets infected with the black fungus, but the only relation is the lack of immunity and the use of medicines.

It is worth mentioning, symptoms of Mucormycosis include facial pain on one side, facial numbness, headaches, eye pain, swelling of eyes, blurred vision, nasal congestion, black rich discharge from the nose, black lesions on nose and mouth, tooth aches, loose tooth, fever and chest pain.

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