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“Khally Balk mn Zizi'' raised it: How to know if you or your kid have ADHD? Take a quiz

Sarah Francis

Zizi and Tito who both suffer from ADHD in "Khally Balk mn Zizi"

Meanwhile the Egyptian series “Khally Balk Mn Zizi'' was aired this Ramadan season, the focus increased on the mental health disorder which the series discussed. Questions like “how can I know if I suffer from the same disorder?” and “My child takes similar actions to those of Tito, does this mean he/she may have the same disorder” circulated the Egyptian social media. Moreover, Egyptian who searched on Google using the term “ADHD” came to a peak in the period between April 18th and May 2nd.

Symptoms and treatment for Kids

According to Dr Heba Essawy, the professor of Psychiatry at Ain Shams University, the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is most common in children. The symptoms of the disorder include continuous distraction, difficulty in finishing tasks in their time and impulsiveness with negligence of any potential consequences. Despite the high levels of intelligence of children with ADHD, they suffer from learning difficulties.

Essawy added to “Trendify” that latest research papers confirmed that the iron deficiency in children is associated with the increase of severity of symptoms. Thus, adding iron to the diet of affected children is useful in relieving symptoms and improving the condition in the long term.

Essawi insisted on the necessity of making blood tests to analyze and measure the percentage of ferritin in the blood, which is a protein present in the body and its function is to store a new element and serves as a precise measurement of the amount of iron stored in the body. Therefore, cases of delayed academic performance, poor attention and excessive movement, and iron deficiency must be treated with vitamins that contain high levels of iron.

Symptoms and treatment for adults

ADHD most commonly appears in children between 4-5 years, 80% of cases can be cured with medications, 18% continue shuddering from symptoms till the age of 14 while only 2% continue to suffer from the disorder for a lifetime, According to Dr Gamal Farweiz, Consultant Psychiatrist at the Military Medical Academy.

Farweiz added, in statements to “Trendify”, that the ADHD results from the increased electrical activities in the cerebral sub cortex, which leads to increased movement. We treat this sometimes with activators like coffee since it increases the activity of the cerebral cortex until it becomes in a balance with the sub cortex and thereby, the severe symptoms become controllable.

Infographic retrieved from Health Central

Farweiz illustrated that the cases with which ADHD lasts for a lifetime show impulsive reactions that may be non-controllable like slapping someone on the face all of a sudden or driving furiously and hitting someone. Therefore, they need to follow up with a psychiatrist regularly and take the prescribed medications in order to avoid severity of symptoms.

Take a Quiz to know

For an indication of whether you have ADHD symptoms and seek professional help, you may take the Quiz developed by clinical partners in the UK. Be aware that the quiz cannot replace a full assessment nor should be used to self diagnose or decide upon a treatment plan.


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