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  • Sarah Francis

Rima Mustafa: I said sorry after the bully scene .. Acting with Donia Samir Ghanem is my dream

In a less than one-minute scene in the Ramadan Series “Khally Balak mn Zizi”, she managed with a few words and angry facial expressions to create a memorable shot that received social attention and went viral on social media platforms in Egypt. The 7-year old Rima Mustafa who starred in a scene of bullying her colleague at school calling her “falaha” because of her name and background, became the talk of the town on social media and the hero of numerous memes.

Trendify interviewed Rima to ask her about the details of her viral scene, the secrets behind her outstanding performance and her future goals.

What is the nature of the character you are playing “Khally Balak mn Zizi” series?

I play the role of a girl who is loved by her colleagues but she hates another girl called “Tito” who just came to school and keeps bullying her.

How was your feeling at the time of shooting the viral scene of you bullying “Tito” and labelling her as “fala7a”?

I felt awkward while preparing and acting this scene. I also felt I shouldn’t do so and that this is very unacceptable. So, I was determined to say sorry to “Tito” off camera after we finished our scene so that she knew this was just acting and I will never do so in real life.

Did you know the meaning of “bullying” before shooting this scene?

Yes I have known bullying in the Quran lessons I take especially “tadabor” lessons which include tentative reading to the verses of God. Through reading Quran I learned that I should not make fun of other people or call them names by any means.

You played roles in previous series and programs like “mama dot om”, how did this help you prepare for the roles you are currently playing?

It helped me a lot in getting familiar with standing in front of the camera and acting with no fear of it. This also made me act spontaneously and forget about any stress because of the location setting.

How did your family and friends react to your meme when it came viral on social media?

We laughed together at it especially at the different quotes put on it that differ from my lines in the series.

Rima: I dream of acting with Donia Samir Ghanem and Ahmed Amin

You have achieved recognizable success in the roles you played recently, what do you look forward to?

I dream of playing roles that win people’s hearts and receive praise on my performance in them. I also dream of acting with Donia Samir Ghanem, Tamer Hosny, Akram Hosny and Ahmed Amin. I haven’t received any new offers yet but I would like to choose my next roles wisely.

Besides your viral role in “Khally balak mn Zizi” you are playing another role in another series this season which is “kol ma neftrek”, how did you manage to balance between both roles and cope with the character differences?

After I arrive at the location of shooting and wear the clothes of the character I get familiar with it only regardless of any other thing whether it is a school girl or a girl from upper Egypt. I don’t find difficulties in coping with character differences where I fit myself into each character easily.

Rima: My father is my first acting teacher and the reason behind my success

Who is the hero behind your outstanding acting performance?

My father is the one who taught me acting and made me reach this level of success in performing various acting roles because he is a clever theater actor.

How do you manage to balance between your school studies and acting?

In the times of shooting I don’t study but I focus on my role instead. Afterwards I come back to my studies to catch up with what I have missed in School.


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