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  • Naira Fahmy

Divorcée’s right to part of ex-husband’s fortune under debate: legal and religious perspectives

“Divorced women should get a part of their ex husband’s fortune” a statement made by Abir Al-Ansary, the founder and president of The Divorcees club that went viral on both traditional and social media platforms, as the women activist declared her belief in the divorcée’s right to take part or half of the fortune of their ex-husbands just like how divorce settlements take place in western countries.

Al Ansary said to “Trendify” that an Egyptian woman would struggle to obtain both her financial and social rights after divorce. “There is always a struggle in the divorce procedures itself and the money that women should be able to get in order to help herself and her family”.

“What we are asking for is not an abnormal thing, I was divorced in England and this is the norm there, women take half of their husbands' fortune

”, Al Ansary said. However, taking half the ex-husband’s is not even what Egyptian women ask for as they should take a percentage of the money the husband made after marriage, that should be calculated by the divorce case’s judge or the government depending on the years of marriage, Al-Ansary added

Al Ansary: divorced women in Egypt could wait for two or three years in order to take their financial rights even after the court’s judgment is issued

Al Ansary also pointed out that divorced women in Egypt could wait for two or three years in order to take their financial rights. “Even when the court’s judgment is issued, women still struggle to take their rights in real life, but if this suggestion is applied or issued as an active regulatory law, women will be empowered enough to obtain their rights easily”.

Amna Nosseir, the former deputy, professor of philosophy and dean of Al-Azhar University in Alexandria, stated that in accordance with what she proposed in the parliament there should be a fair calculation to women’s financial rights after divorce.

Nosseir: if marriage exceeded 25 years, the divorcée should have half of her husband's post-marriage fortune

Nosseir added to “Trendify” that what women should have the financial right to earn after divorce should correspond to the duration of marriage. “If a woman got a divorce after five years of marriage, she should take 5% of the fortune he made within the marriage years, and if he married her for ten years, she would have 10%, and if their marriage exceeded the 25 years, then she should be able to have half of his post-marriage fortune”.

Saleh: There is no religious text that prohibits this idea, but it is certainly contrary to the Islamic religion

“There is no religious text that prohibits this idea, but it is certainly contrary to the Islamic religion, because Islam honors women and gives them all their financial rights” said Soad Saleh, Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies at Al-Azhar University. Such an idea would be difficult to implement in Egypt while there is absolutely no need to invent new ideas for women to obtain their rights because they are already getting them.

Although the application of this provision might be beneficial for women and children in order to guarantee their rights, Saleh added to “Trendify”. This could be harmful to the young men who are about to marry because they may fear for their money.

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