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Hala Shiha’s back and forth acting journey, psychology: mood disorder

Sarah Francis

Between the return to art and acting after 11 years of retirement, a retreat and an announcement of repentance for her latest films in the cinema, Hala Shiha, raised controversy among her followers. She made it to the top of social media trends, today, on the background of her latest Instagram post in which she condemned Tamer Hosny, who co-starred with her latest movie “Msh Ana”, for running scenes she doesn’t like and advised actor colleagues to leave the profession.

A state of fluctuation and repeated retreat in her positions, Hala has demonstrated since she decided to leave acting about 14 years ago with her marriage to the British Steve Mark, as she gave birth to 4 children, settled in London and wore the niqab, then separated from him to announce her return to the artwork in 2018, which was welcomed by the artistic community back then.

Between the return and the retreat, Hala made contradicting statements that defended wearing the veil at times and considered it as a “private matter” at other times. Her statements came to public through programs like “Sahebat Al Saada” and other youtube programs.

Within the past two years, Hala starred in many dramatic works like “Zelzal” and “Khyanet Ahd” and made an appearance in film festivals till she announced participation in “Mesh Ana” film with Tamer Hosny.

From rumors to official announcements, Hala Shiha’s relationship with the Islamic Preacher, Moez Massoud started about a year ago till they got married, 5 months ago, after which she unfollowed many of her colleagues in acting, became less active on social media till she posted a photo of her wearing a veil with her husband and kids to comment on the movie “Msh Ana” after its launch and declare “it’s not me” at that point of time.

Psychology: Mood Disorder and psychological instability

Dr. Gamal Ferweiz, consultant psychiatrist, said that the back and forth attitude of Hala Shiha could reflect suffering from mood disorder or severe mood swings that would justify her contradicting decisions, influenced from the continuous change in mood and perceptions.

Ferweiz: Hala’s character could be classified as hesitant

Ferweiz added to “Trendify” that Hala’s character could be classified as hesitant, which was reflected on her behaviors. “As a human she has the right to make any decision she wants and stick to it, but the continuous hesitation and disagreements with herself reflects psychological instability”.

Ferweiez declared that workers in the acting profession are usually expected to show more flexibility in terms of their workflow and responsibilities where their work might imply playing the role of a dancer at some time and a nun at another with no contradiction. However, Hala’s recent behaviors reflect inability to cope with any of these.


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