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Hana Goda, junior Table Tennis competitor in Tokyo Olympics

Samaa Ismail

The player "Hana Goda", Al-Ahly Club player in table tennis, is considered one of the most skilled young players in table tennis. Goda managed to get the first place prize under the age of 12, and also managed to get the second place under the age of 15. The player is participating as the fourth substitute in table tennis in the 2020 Olympics tournament to be held in Tokyo, which was postponed last year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. "Trendify" magazine interviewed the young player, after her return to participate in the tournament.

Congratulations for your participation in Tokyo. What is your program for the next period after your participation in the Tokyo Olympics?

My upcoming programs are the Tunisian Junior Championships, the International Table Tennis Federation camp in Slovenia and the Slovenia Junior Championship.

What precautionary measures will you take to protect against Corona when you travel to Tokyo?

Wearing masks, using alcohol and disinfectants, and trying to stay away from crowded places.

Do you aim to pursue Table Tennis internationally?

Yes, that is the next step, and it is very close.

Who is your role model?

My role model in table tennis is Dina Musharraf and also football player Mohamed Salah.

What was the most difficult tournament you participated in?

The most difficult tournament was the Women's Premier League. I was anxious about it, but winning was the goal for me and my colleagues in the Al-Ahly club team.

Which player do you fear competing against the most?

I always prepare and practice as much as I can before any tournament and that makes me confident enough to not fear competing against anyone.

When are you supposed to travel to Tokyo for the Olympics?

We don't know any specified dates at the moment.

What are your future ambitions or plans?

My ambition is to maintain the international ranking for juniors, improve the international ranking for women, and achieve permanent victory with the Al-Ahly women's team.

Give a message of support to your mates?

I wish all my mates in the national team and Al-Ahly Club permanent success, and victory in the Tokyo Olympics.


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