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  • Naira Fahmy

Loyal ‘Friends’ fans to “Trendify”: Reasons why the show is our ageless favorite

We can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the first glimpse of the reunion episode is out to light. In the teaser for the reunion episode, we can spot David Schwimmer, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Courteney Cox and Matt LeBlanc walking with their backs to the camera. The reunion episode, streaming on May 27th on HBOmax had the show’s faithful fans excited and brought back all the memories they never forgot about.

“When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month Or even your year, I'll be there for you” Simple words in the show’s intro song that summed up the whole idea of why we loved friends so much, they were there for us, most of us consider them our own personal group of friends, we face almost the same problems, we hate the same concepts and even sometimes, we like to drink the same decaf coffee.

Salem: When I was at the hospital, it was all what I wanted to watch. It is a feel-good show.

“When I was at the hospital I needed to watch something light, not too dreamy and not too realistic I just wanted a feel-good type of show and that's why I kept watching countless episodes of Friends” said Youssef Salem, Screenwriter.

The TV show of a group of friends in New York in the 90s created a blend of both the greatest time and coolest city, “what else could we want?” said the 27-year-old screenwriter to “Trendify”.

“Friends” also taught us that nothing crazy or painful is actually that crazy. “You're in a hospital and you're in pain? You'll get out, your friends will support you. Just got out of a bad relationship? You'll survive. Plenty of fish in the sea. All this makes Friends the right choice of all time”, Salem said.

Friends may not feature superheroes, but it does feature “super-pals”, average people who are going through their own problems with life, whether it's work problems, relationships, self worth or even commitment issues, we always relate, according to Caren Ehab, 22 years Art student.

Ehab: I always feel like I am a mixture of the friends whole group

Ehab went on, “I can never say that I am Monica, or Joey, or one main character, I always feel like I'm a mixture of the whole “Friends” group, I'm funny and goofy like Joey, strict and kind like Monica and messy just like Rachel”. The show is more like seeing all the different sides of yourself on screen, Ehab added.

“Friends did not need a cliffhanger at the end of every episode for the viewer to tune in to the next episode, Every episode had a life of its own, new events and funny situations that kept us entertained for as long as the show goes on”, Ehab added. There was no pressure of following all the episodes in order to discover the big reveal. There was no big reveal in a sitcom like Friends. There were only relatable, quirky characters.

“What I like most about friends, other than extreme relevance to its characters, I like the fact that I can simply pick any episode from any season and enjoy it. I don't feel like Iv missed any details and the jokes are just as good as if I just saw the previous episode”, said Zeina Samy, 14 year-old student.

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