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  • Loubna Moussa and Sarah Francis

Political Experts: 30th of June revolution, Egyptian identity recovery and international existence

The Egyptian government granted the public and private sectors a holiday, today, in celebration of the 30th of June revolution. The Egyptian political life has witnessed many changes after the revolution which reflected in all aspects of life and shaped the political existence of Egypt on regional and international levels.

Dr. Tarek Fahmy, Professor of Political Sciences, said that the most important political achievements of 30th of June are confirming the stability of Egypt, its political organizational integration and completion of its constitutional merits. Egypt, as a country, didn’t witness after the revolution any discontinuity or absence in the political scene where Egypt managed to run legislative and parliamentary elections as well ad constitutional amendments.

Drift from Transitional to Stable political regime

“The political regime in Egypt drifted from a transitional to a stable state”, Fahmy added. The effective organizational presence represented another long-term impact of June’s revolution that gradually improved the political life in Egypt through suggestions like presidential suggestions of the importance of merging political parties whose programs were alike.

Fahmy added to “Trendify” that the Egyptian political experience had proved since 30th of June that the political and safety stability in Egypt were in correlation with making Egypt ready to play its international role as an effective member once again. Egypt succeeded in establishing relationships with the major world powers.

International navigation and creation of new circles

On the international level, Egypt managed to navigate new circles in regions of East Mediterranean and Asia, whereby Egypt confirmed its political power and re-identified its borders, Fahmy said.

Fahmy: Egypt followed a Zero problems strategy

Fahmy added that the “Zero problems strategy” Egypt followed enabled it to rebuild its regional and international relations and lay foundation of following policies to reinforce the Egyptian existence internationally.

Remarkable sign in the Egyptian history

Dr. Hassan Salama, Professor of Political Sciences at Cairo University, said that 30th of June represented a remarkable sign in the history of Egypt as a country since it managed to retrieve the country from those who were trying to steal “our home” and managed to set a road map to enable Egypt to become a modern, civilized democracy, in accordance with constitution.

Salama: The Political leadership established a socio-economic to let people practise their political rights and participate in decision making processes

Salama added to “Trendify” that since 2014, the political leadership has established a vision based on the fact that the socio-economic system should be made available to people in order to practise their political rights and participate in the political decision making process. This was reflected in the formation of public policies that targeted enhancements in educational, health and accommodation services.

Minorities’ Empowerment

Empowerment of the categories which used to be marginalized came on top of the results of the 30th of June revolution, according to Salama. Women, youth and disabled citizens came on top of the categories targeted to empower through providing them with training and opportunities of representation in Parliament.

Salama: Egypt regained its reputation on Arabic, African and International levels

Salama declared that Egypt managed to regain its reputation, on Arabic, African and international levels through creating a network of common interests with the regional and Arabic sides that required joint coordination between all sides.

Egyptian Leadership of the African Union

Egypt also managed to lead the African union after its membership was frozen, following the June revolution, according to Salama. Moreover, Egypt participated in the resolution of many Arab issues.

Internationally, thanks to the 30th of June revolution, Egypt received more respect from effective world leading countries such as Russia and the European Union.

Identity Recovery

Dr. Ayman Samir, Expert in international relations, said that identity recovery would come on top of 30th of June revolutions gains. Egypt before the revolution was about to lose its 7000-year-old history. If it wasn’t for the 30th of June revolution, we wouldn’t have seen Egypt as part of cross-border projects.

Samir added that since Egypt represented a quarter of the Arab World’s population. So, Egypt’s slide into a state of Chaos would have led the whole region to “an incurable chaos” that could have lasted for a century or more.

Samir: The 30th of June revolution preserved the unity and safety of the Egyptian country and its neighbors

Samir mentioned to “Trendify” that there were multiple plans to divide the region into statelets. The 30th of June revolution preserved the unity and safety of the Egyptian country and its neighboring Arab countries. Also, the revolution managed to preserve the unity and cohesiveness of the Egyptian country.

Discrimination Termination

Before the 30th of June revolution the political speech of the MB used to create a state of discrimination between Egyptians since it labelled Coptics in an inferior tone or B class citizens, said Samir. However, after 30th of June all this changed since the Egyptian country stood at the same distance from all citizens, regardless of their affiliations.

“All minorities regained their position in the country”, Samir added. Before 30th of June, we never heard of such representation and empowerment of both women and youth in all the country’s public sectors from the governmental jobs to the parliamentary seats.

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