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President of Tanta University: These are steps we took and potential scenarios with the dress girl

Loubna Moussa

A state of controversy dominated the social media in Egypt, right after the literature student Habiba Tarek came to the public and told the story of bullying she was subject to because of wearing a dress to a final exam at Tanta University.

Mahmoud Zaky, President of Tanta University, said that the whole matter would be referred to the public prosecution Today’s morning and surely if the claims of the student were proven true, the committers of the mentioned deeds will be sentenced to what they deserve.

“What the dress girl mentioned are considered crimes that imply the necessity of legal intervention and university’s support for law to be implemented”, Zaky added in reference to the viral dress girl case.

The girl could prove the truth of her claims in multiple ways through eye witnesses and camera recordings, for instance, Zaky mentioned.

Zaky said to “Trendify” that the prosecution would have the final word in the case and would determine whether the girl’s claims are genuine or included any forms of misinformation or intention to deceive.

“There are only two potential scenarios expected in the next few days”, Zaky said. The first would be the prosecution’s confirmation that the alleged crimes took place and in this case the committers would take the penalties they deserve in accordance with the Egyptian penal law.

Zaky insisted that “On the other hand, the chances exist even if slightly that the claims of the dress girl are not 100% truthful”. In this case, surely the prosecution would take the required measures in cases of fake news dissemination.

The alleged deeds to be committed by university staff included bullying and religious discrimination which are much bigger than the scope of university’s authority where university could intervene in disciplinarian issues but the current issue would br considered criminal or penal one, Zaky said. “Therefore, the university would not be part of judging or taking action in the whole issue in order for law to be executed fairly”.


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