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  • Sarah Francis

Tournament Accreditation Manager: Egypt organized Gymnastics World Cup up to international standards

Captain Shady Hisham with the gold medalist Ali Zahran

After Egypt became the first African country to host the FIG international Artistic Gymnastics World Cup, and Egyptian players won gold medal like Ali Zahran and Nancy Toman, it was important to know more about the preparations of this tournament which is hosted for the first time by Egypt and how it was compared to previous cycles abroad.

Hisham: It was expected that Ali Zahran would make it to the finals

Captain Shady Hisham, the tournament’s accreditation manager and gymnastics international referee, said that the Egyptian players were expected to achieve all this success. It wasn’t a surprise that Ali Zahran made it to the finals.

As an international referee who attended tens of international tournaments, Hisham mentioned that Egypt’s organization and host to the artistic World Cup surpassed expectations where Egypt presented a cycle that was up to all the international standards.

Hisham: thanks to the efforts of Dr Ehab Amin the head of the Egyptian Federation of Gymnastics, this tournament came out in this honorable way

Hisham added that thanks to the efforts of Dr Ehab Amin the head of the Egyptian Federation of Gymnastics, this tournament came out in this honorable way. This was not the first incident of Egyptian hosting an international tournament where Egypt hosted the Aerobics tournament before. However, this one was the biggest as an International World Cup.

“The fact that this championship is not only about Egypt and one or two other nations, but it includes internationally ranked champions indicates an international recognition of Egypt’s ability to host such a big event”, Hisham mentioned.

Despite the challenging players that the Egyptians had to meet in the tournament, where the Okranian male players are top ranked internationally and the Romanian females, as well, they managed to make it to the finals smoothly in demonstration of skill and ability to overcome any obstacles, the accreditation manager indicated.

“The Egyptian victories that crowned this tournament should not let us forget about the Olympics that we are a few weeks away from”, Hisham mentioned. All the Egyptian players who qualified for the Olympics should go into a closed camp to prepare and there is big hope they would bring medals to Egypt.

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