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Blogger for the deaf, Qamar and her husband: inspiring love story behind sign language in COVID-25

Sarah Francis

Qamar and Hamada

Within the social media scope, the game of trend usually had bloggers and influencers on top of its winners, with all the life aspects they share on a daily basis and the information they provide in their areas of specialization that attract their followers to keep updated and create space for new potential audience to join. But, the question is: “Is this only for people with no disabilities, or handicapped society members can also find their own social media celebrities who share the same life happiness and sadness as well as achievement and challenges?

The journey started with interaction with the deaf community in Egypt

Th Instagram blogger for deaf community with thousands of followers, Qamar Adel, about 10 years ago, started to learn sign language and went through a long journey of professional and unprofessional learning which started with interaction with the deaf community in Egypt, participation in many activities with them up till taking professional courses in order to qualify to be a yet non-deaf certified coach for sign language and communication with the deaf.

Little did Qamar know that she would meet the love of her life while pursuing her new career, as she met Mohamed Tarek, called Hamada, in the deaf community, who happened to become her best friend in no time and started to teach her immediate translation of sign language. They both started to give coaching lessons of sign language when they both were looking for different partners to find out they would be perfect for each other and got married with a journey of inspiration to the whole deaf community ahead of them.

Qamar: Success came in a step-by-step form

“Success came in a step-by-step form”, Qamar said to “Trendify” as the couple started to find a new market for their work when Qamar was offered a post as an immediate sign language translator in CBC Extra TV channel in 2014. “This kick started my career as a coach”.

Coaching took many paths from Qamar and her husband where they started their own rehabilitation center for deaf to teach sign language. On the other hand, their success was recognized in the media as they were offered multiple times to teach actors in drama works to use sign language in case their roles imply.

Qamar: We were honored this year to train Youssef El Sherif and the cast of COVID-25

“We were honored this year to train Youssef El Sherif and the cast of COVID-25 on how to use sign language and understand it”, Qamar said proudly. The performance of actors was the fruit of 3 months of work before Ramadan Holy month started where they worked for 24 hours at times and enjoyed the work with El Sherif and the child actors who were very responsive and demonstrated fast learning skills.

In the final scenes of the Ramadan series shooting, Qamar had to travel for work and Hamada took over the training and coaching of the actors who despite being deaf himself was able to communicate and teach them thanks to his coaching skills. “In normal conditions we go to work together and do everything as collaborative team mates not only as a couple”, Qamar explained.

Making a public Instagram account to share life with many others on social media, Qamar considered it a daily pleasure where she found her life message and goal. “We are considered bloggers for the deaf community. We post comics and videos for fun and also educational content for whoever wants to learn sign language”.


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