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  • Samaa Ismail

Love stories end in some way or another.. Hob Ma’a Eqaf El Tanfeez: Different scenarios to the same

How could a love story end? A million of statements could fit as a response to this question not out of imagination but what real life and experiences of surrounding people would tell. The fact that many love stories would have the same fate of ending in nowhere no matter who the partners were or what reasons led to termination, inspired the young novelist to feature it in stories inspired from real life.

Taghreed Hamada said that her novel “hob ma’a eqad el tanfeez” is a novel that was written in the form of short separate stories, each of which revolves around a love story that would never last and would end in some way or another.

“Having my name written on a book put on the stands of Cairo book fair has always been a dream”, Hamada said as she described her happiness as her participation turned from a reader and regular visitor who would never miss a cycle to an author whose work would be featured in the fair.

As any writer would care about the reach of his/her book to the desired audience, Hamada shares the same objective. Despite the recognition and high ranks her literal contributions received, the book fair would represent a major step on Hamada’s career path as her novel would be seen by many people from various backgrounds unlike what would be the case in small bookstores.

Fears of the pandemic could not be neglected not only by the fair’s visitors but also the enthusiastic writers. Hamada mentioned “my hopes are high that this exceptional cycle would be held safely and no one would be subject to any danger”.

“My next would be another novel with lots of effort made and research prior to writing”, Hamada said in a description of what literary work she is preparing for in the present.

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