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  • Samaa Ismail

“Masarat Al-Qoloub” life lessons, experiences, how they change people

Throughout our lives, we are taught valuable lessons and live through a great number of experiences, this is what the author Hanaa Ashraf, 21, will have in her first book “Masarat Al-Qoloub”, which is available in the Cairo International Book Fair published by “Al-Rawa’ea” Publishing House.

“It is a book of compiled thoughts, about how life contains valuable lessons and experiences and that dreams are reachable,” said Ashraf.

“It will definitely make my book more available for recognition,” said Ashraf, adding that it means a lot to her to see her own book on shelves in the fair, and it is better than having it in bookstores where not many people visit.

She added that she definitely thinks this book fair will be different from any past year, as the coronavirus changed almost everything in our lives.

Ashraf had received a certificate of appreciation the day of her first book signing, and after her completion of a writing initiative, she received the opportunity of writing this book and having it published for free.

She plans to write a novel titled “Erastas”, a Greek name, as well as another book that discusses some of women’s issues in society.

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