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  • Samaa Ismail

Razya, Khabaya, Masarat Al-Qoloob: Doaa Al-Asy’s novels in Cairo Book Fair

Since the Ministry of Culture announced the details of this year’s Cairo International Book Fair, “Trendify” interviewed some of the authors who will be participating in the book fair with their first books, for a deeper look into what will be available in the fair.

Doaa Al-Asy, 27, Suhag governorate, will participate in the Cairo International Book Fair for the first time with three novels, “Razya”, which will be available in the Book Fair and is published by “Nubough” printing and distribution house, as well as the novels “Khabaya” and “Masarat Al-Qoloob” in collaboration with “Al-Ketaba Tajmaona” initiative by “Rawa’ea” Publishing Establishment.

“Participating in the Book Fair will hopefully allow my novels to reach as many readers as possible, from different countries,” said Al-Asy.

“It means a lot that my novels will be available in the Book Fair as it is the biggest and most important fairs in the Middle East, this will add to my experience and writing career greatly as well as market for my novels which will bring them more recognition,” added the author.

Al-Asy is currently writing her biography including her experience as a girl from Upper Egypt and what she went through to reach this point in her career.

“Razya” Novel

Al-Asy explained that she tried to discuss an important topic in this book, which is mental illness. She focused on how society sees people with mental illnesses, its negative impact on the person suffering from the illness and how they cope with these issues. The concept was portrayed through a dramatic story that leans into the horror theme.

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