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  • Sarah Francis

Sleep tight: graduation project to raise awareness of sleep paralysis, causes and treatment

A state of consciousness and awareness of all what’s going around yet with inability to move, in between wakefulness and sleep, many people suffer from and attribute to myths with no scientific basis. Sleep Paralysis, a disease, which takes various names and definitions other than approaching it in light of its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, formulated the campaign that a group of mass communication students chose for their graduation project.

The 8-girl group from an Egyptian private university has started their campaign since June with the objective of helping people become aware of how to deal with sleep paralysis symptoms and take preventive measures to avoid it through acknowledging the potential causes, according to Nadeen Mostafa, team member.

The campaign named “sleep tight” provided its audience with variety of tips and checklists to make sure they are following a preventive habits that would diminish the possibility of sleep paralysis occurrence, Mostafa added. Tips included adequate exposure to sun, meditation and exercising, alongside a daily routine to minimize any potential sleep problems.

Mostafa: We reached out for people who suffer from sleep paralysis

“We reached out for people who suffer from sleep paralysis and statistics that prove the lack of awareness”, Mostafa mentioned. Shedding light on cases from real life and reporting what they said about the condition they face as well as the lack of understanding from their surroundings, was included in the campaign to highlight the importance of awareness and understanding of the medical condition in order to deal with it properly.

Mostafa added to “Trendify” that in the form of motion graphic content, “sleep tight” team illustrated how sleep paralysis would take place and the important tips to be followed in order to get rid of it as soon as possible through breather exercises and positive thoughts.

Mostafa: Verification and credibility of provided information have always been on top of our concerns

“Verification and credibility of provided information have always been on top of our concerns”, Mostafa mentioned. The team provided information from certified sources such as doctors and psychologists with relevant specializations in order for the information provided to be both beneficial and trustworthy in defeating mythology through science.

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