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  • Sarah Francis

5 drinks to improve digestion after Eid’s fatty meals

Eid Al-Adha could be considered a season of heavy fatty meals that might cause a feeling of heaviness and unease to digest where lamb, sheep meat, is relatively high in fats and calories. Assistance of digestion-boosting foods and drinks could be beneficial after such greasy meals.

“Trendify” lists top 5 drinks to improve digestion after fatty meals according to “EatingWell”, as follows:

1- Prune Juice

Prunes, and their juice are considered a gpod source of sorbitol sugar that is usually not absorbed and would typically draw water into the large intestine where that extra water would help keep food moving along the digestive system. Prune juice also retains some of the fiber from the whole fruit that would help in improving digestion; a cup of prune juice would contain about 3 grams fiber.

2- Chia seed tonic

Chia seeds would boost digestion through delivering both soluble and insoluble fiber where that combination helps to keep your digestive tract humming along as it should. Also, chia seeds are quite high in fiber where in a single tablespoon, there's about 4 grams fiber, which is 14 percent of the recommended daily amount.

3- Ginger tea

In addition to to its well-known function of overcoming nausea, ginger tea also helps with digestion where it encourages the gastrointestinal tract GI to carry out its functions through stabilizing its motility and activity.

4- Smoothies

In order to make sure a smoothie would help with digestion improvements, it should include both soluble and insoluble fibers where this combination is important and effective in gases’ consistency.

5- lukewarm Water

Drinking lukewarm water after a heavy or greasy meal activates the digestive system and allows it to proactively break down the nutrients into smaller and softer forms, easier to digest. Skipping drinking water after a heavy meal, could lead to intestine absorption of the water from the food and lead to constipation.

In addition to these drinks, other healthy tips should be followed after eating fatty meals that include importance to avoid sleeping right after eating, get moving and chew well while eating.

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