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  • Samaa Ismail

Various ways of making summer’s top frozen dessert, How is ice cream made and what is its top trend?

The ice cream season has already arrived with its endless annual trends as people argue about the best way with which their favorite flavor is made or whether it can be made at home or not.

Khamis: There is Sorbet, a result of juice freezing and Jelaty, that result from freezing less concentrated juice

Chef Yousry Khamis said that there is a form of ice cream which is called sorbet and would come as a result of juice freezing. “And of course, there’s "Jelaty" which is more popular in Alexandria and is made from freezing less concentrated juice”.

The default ice cream should include eggs, cream and vanilla in its making process. However, nowadays many people would take the easy way out and use whipped cream alongside condensed milk, mix them together and make an ice cream out of such simple ingredients, Khamis added.

Khamis: The annual advancements and trends related to ice cream would mostly have nothing to do with the desert itself as much as its way of production

Khamis added to “Trendify” that the annual advancements and trends related to ice cream would mostly have nothing to do with the desert itself as much as its way of production. “The intention has drifted, over the past few years, from the well known companies to the fresh ice cream sold at famous mall shops in mall”.

“Shops are creating a wide variety of flavors to suit different tastes”, the Chef added. Annually people would witness new flavors like caramel, berries and mastic that would appeal because of the innovation in its way of making or the concentration of the materials used to make it.

Khamis said in a description of the best way to make ice cream at home “my own recipe of ice cream includes mixing the condensed milk and whipped cream then leaving the mixture in the freezer till it starts to become cohesive that it can be eaten”.

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